6 Amazing Reasons to Switch to a Plant-Based Cleaner

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6 amazing reasons to switch to a plant-based cleaner

Have you taken a look at all those products  in your cleaning cabinet claiming to be safe, yet reeking of strong chemicals? Maybe it’s time to consider green cleaning!

So here are 6 benefits of switching to a plant-based cleaner, plus the one I’m obsessed with:


You would think that the products you use to clean your home would be perfectly safe for you and your family, right? Wrong. Oh so wrong. Take a look at the label on the back of a commercial cleaner and you’ll see words like “flammable!” “do not ingest!” and “warning!” Many ingredients listed on the household cleaners have not ever been tested for safety. These cleaners are not safe around kids or pets because they are usually on the floor and might ingest them, plus it is more difficult for them to get rid of toxins due to their size. Household cleaners account for one of the top five incidences of poison control calls. Many typical cleaners have chemicals that are known carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, and even neurotoxins (yikes)!

Wearing gloves and goggles while cleaning shouldn’t be normal, and those chemicals will still be there when you’re done. Imagine all the toxins that remain on kitchen counters or toilet seats after cleaning with these chemicals. Your lungs shouldn’t burn, and “clean” shouldn’t equal a chemical smell stuck in the air for hours.


Imagine under all those products sitting under your sink: one for cleaning the floors, one for the mirrors, another for the countertops, a fourth for the fridge, and the last one for the toilet. Okay, now imagine they’re all gone and replaced with a single cleaner! It’s much easier to clean with a single product and get EVERYTHING in a single swoop without switching bottles. Added bonus, no need to worry about accidentally mixing dangerous chemicals or getting bleach stains over your clothing. Honestly, it just makes cleaning so simple and much easier.

Air Quality

I’d say the quality of the air you’re breathing in right now is pretty important. Especially if you have a respiratory issue like asthma, you don’t want to make things more difficult for your lungs. Using conventional cleaning supplies can lead to higher levels of pollution in your house than outside of it. In other words, this can lead to symptoms like sneezing, headaches, and rashes, among others. When these products are used, VOCs, or volatile organic compounds, are released into the air. As a result, this leads to health problems and damage to organs like the liver, kidneys, and even the central nervous system.


The cost really depends on the specific brand, but I’ve found that natural cleaners, or DIY cleaners, are a lot cheaper than conventional ones. The dollars start to add up, especially when you need to buy different cleaners for specific surfaces. My favorite cleaner is super cost effective because it comes in a concentrated bottle. Using the 14.4 oz. bottle, you can make around 30 cleaners with a 16 oz. bottle. This would come out to less than $1 per bottle!


Products you use not only have an affect on your body, but also the environment around you. They can be harmful to Earth’s ecosystems and also add to pollution. Your average cleaning product will typically have ingredients that are non-biodegradable as well as toxic. They can contaminate water, which will affect plants, animals, as well as come all the way back to humans! When you opt for a quality green cleaner, you are choosing nontoxic, safe, and sustainably produced ingredients that don’t harm the environment.


A fun reason to use green cleaning products is that you can typically get creative with them. By using essential oils you can customize like crazy! You can change the scent from a minty, refreshing vibe to a woodsy, grounding vibe. You can also get specific with your cleaning needs with a single product. If your stove has some gunk that doesn’t seem to come off: add some lemon essential oil. Need help scrubbing the sinks: add some baking powder and scrub with ease. It’s truly up to you how detailed you want to be, or not at all.

Beware of greenwashing

One last tip before you start picking out your new cleaning product: beware of greenwashing! Companies can claim to be “green” and have pretty packaging, but it doesn’t mean they truly are. Anyone can slap words like “organic” and “natural” on their bottles, because greenwashing is not regulated. Likewise, companies are not even required to have their ingredients listed on household cleaners. In other words, it’s imperative to know your source and find a company you trust.

Which plant-based cleaner do I use?

Any step towards a cleaner home is awesome, but if you were wondering, I do have a favorite brand. Thieves Household Cleaner is the plant-based cleaner I’ve used for the past 4 years and I’m never going back! It’s like an all-in-one and is as clean as can be. As mentioned above, it comes super concentrated so you can make a ton of spray bottles with your one purchase. And yes, it smells amazing. Don’t spend time worrying if your cleaner is safe enough. Take charge of your health and switch to a plant-based cleaner. Let me know in the comments which cleaner you use!

8 thoughts on “6 Amazing Reasons to Switch to a Plant-Based Cleaner”

  • Green products are eco friendly, I feel healthier when I clean with green products such as Melaluca , Avon recently introduced a cleaning line and laundry and fabric care line which is a complement to household cleaning, it features green tea extracts.

    • Hi Cynthia, I have to disagree with you. Avon is a prime example of the greenwashing I mentioned at the bottom of my post! I checked out the detergent which includes fragrance (major red flag!), benzisothiazolin, and they don’t really disclose 3 of their other ingredients. To prevent this, it’s a good idea to read each ingredient, not just take their word for how “green” they are. Hope this helps 🙂

  • I didn’t really think about green washing. Super glad I came across this post and will check out the cleaner that you suggest! Thank you for taking the time to write this post! Very helpful!

  • This is amazing! I’ve actually been thinking about green washing. Thank you for sharing. I will definitely try out the products you’ve mentioned, I’m very excited about it 😁

    • I think a lot of people are thinking about greenwashing nowadays, which is great! I seriously couldn’t live without that cleaner haha

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